Minutes of Dec 14, 2011 Meeting

Martin Hochhauser called the year's last meeting to order precisely at 8:00 PM. Martin then introduced Lou Newman, who was serving as the club's acting president for the evening, as both our regular president and vice-president were absent that night. President Dan Ashley's wife was coming home from the hospital that day and we all wished her our best. Lou called on
Jerry Goldberg to introduce the evening's speaker, someone with whom he's very familiar; Duchess County Legislator  Sandra Goldberg. Sandy is the outgoing Democratic minority leader of the County Legislature and had has been an elected legislator, off and on, since 1981. This is only slightly shorter than the 36 years she has been married to Jerry. Sandy, who has addressed this club numerous times over the course of her elected career, will be retiring at the end of 2011 so this was her farewell address to the club while still in an official capacity as well as her most recent State of the County assessment.  

Submitted by Peter Albenda, with respect.


Please send pictures for the Picture Show and display that Dr. Muldorf (former distinguished HC President) is creating for a
future meeting.  His email is lesm1974@mac.com.  JPEG (computer speak) format via the internet, slides (he has the
equipment to scan these into the computer file) or photos (Les will scan them into the computer file) are acceptable. 
I understand the good Dr. might include some Root Canal photos from within; for those who are dentally challenged.

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